From the texts to the model

The first step of the project consists in the modelling of the source texts. Firstly, this stage implies the development of ad hoc competency questions to investigate the starting corpus. Secondly, the sources are modelled into a network of classes and properties. These ontologies are implemented through the software Protégé and serialized into a Turtle syntax.

Competency questions

Bruno Taut
Walter Gropius
Compare the texts
  • What is the main goal? Unity involving Art and people
  • Which are the activities whose scope is of public nature? Building activity
  • Which are the institutions to be dissolved (in their present form)? Academies (Royal Academy of Arts, Royal Academy of Architecture, Royal Prussian State Art Commission)
  • What error should be replaced by freedom? Government domination
  • What is responsible for education? Museums
  • What products need to be dissolved? Monuments without artistic value and monuments with disproportionate value
  • What should government institutions guarantee? Promotion of art
  • How are ideas expressed? Embodied as form
  • What is caused by the academia? The isolation of the artist
  • What is Architecture dependant upon? The cooperation of many individuals
  • Retrieve the main goal of institutions Union
  • What do buildings reflect? Zeitgeist
  • How can work be split? Creative work and Mechanic Work
  • What should each person rethink to change society? Work
  • What should academies be substituted with? Newly formed Institution
  • What is the goal of newly formed institutions?Cooperation
  • Which qualities are improved by preliminary courses at the Bauhaus? Creativity, originality, expressivity
  • Who is the person responsible of rethinking architecture? Journeyman
  • Which courses are included in the Bauhaus courses? Vorlehre, Formlehre, Werklehre
  • What is included in the new approach in training? Manual training and a proper vocabulary for the knowledge of theory
  • What's the goal of both, the slogan by Taut and the credo of the Bauhaus? Unification: for Taut, "Art and people must form a unity", for Gropius a "unification in all training and design" must be achieved
  • What actions should be taken towards academies by newly formed institutions? According to Taut there's the need for a complete dissolution of academies while for Gropius changing them into newly formed institutions would be enough
  • What is demanded of education programmes? For Taut the priority is the freedom from government, for Gropius major attention should be paid to personal experience

Ontology development of Taut's Program for the Arbeitsrat für Kunst

Turtle Serialization

Graph Visualization

Download the source file

Visualization created with WebVOwl

Ontology development of Gropius' Theory and Organization of the Bauhaus

Turtle Serialization

Graph Visualization